World War II
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HOLD THE WESTWALL: The History of Panzer Brigade 105, September 1944Paperbound$4.95 $26.95
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12TH SS PANZER DIVISION HITLERJUGEND: From Operation Goodwood to 1945Paperbound$5.95 $28.95
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ALL BEHIND YOU, WINSTON: Churchill's Great Coalition 1940-45Hardbound$7.95 $29.99
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V IS FOR VICTORY: Franklin Roosevelt's American Revolution and the Triumph of World War IIHardbound$9.95 $32.00
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DESTROYER CAPTAIN: The Life of Ernest E. EvansPaperbound$14.95 $20.00
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SOVIET TANKS AT KURSK 1943: New Vanguard 335Paperbound$14.95 $20.00
ICE CRUSADERS: A Memoir of Cold War and Cold SportPaperbound$5.95 $16.95
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D-DAY FLEET 1944, AMERICAN SECTOR: Fleet 9Paperbound$17.95 $23.00
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BADER'S LAST FIGHT: An In-Depth Investigation of a Great WWII MysteryPaperboundPrice cut to $5.95 $29.95
ALL SHIPS FOLLOW ME: A Family Memoir of War Across Three ContinentsHardbound$4.95 $30.00
PRIESTS DE LA RESISTANCE! The Loose Canons Who Fought Fascism in the Twentieth CenturyHardbound$5.95 $20.00
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THE RUSSIAN AGENT: A Secret Mission to Penetrate the Russian Liberation ArmyHardboundPrice cut to $1.95 $34.95
LAST CALL AT THE HOTEL IMPERIAL: The Reporters Who Took on a World at WarHardbound$7.95 $30.00
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THE MAFIA AT WAR: Allied Collusion with the MobPaperbound$8.95 $24.99
GERMAN TANKS IN FRANCE 1940: New Vanguard 327Paperbound$14.95 $20.00
THE NAZI CONSPIRACY: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and ChurchillHardbound$6.95 $29.99
BETRAYAL OF POLAND: First-Hand Accounts from the Second World WarHardbound$29.95 $39.95
PRELUDE TO CATASTROPHE: FDR's Jews and the Menace of NazismHardbound$5.95 $27.95
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LUFTWAFFE BOMBER TO NIGHTFIGHTER, VOLUME 1: The Memoirs of a Knight's Cross PilotHardbound$26.95 $34.95
WAR ANIMALS: The Unsung Heroes of World War IIHardbound$6.95 $29.99
THE AGITATOR: William Bailey and the First American Uprising Against NazismHardbound$5.95 $28.00
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THE GOOD ALLIES: How Canada and the United States Fought Together to Defeat Fascism During the Second World WarHardbound$21.95 $30.00
VICTORY AT SEA: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War IIPaperbound$17.95 $25.00
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CAUDRON-RENAULT CR.714 CYCLONE: Polish Wings No. 39Paperbound$21.95 $28.00
MASTERS OF THE AIR: America's Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi GermanyPaperbound$17.95 $23.00
RITES OF SPRING: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern AgePaperbound$5.95 $17.99
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AMERICA FIRST: Roosevelt vs. Lindbergh in the Shadow of WarHardbound$26.95 $35.00
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FIRST MANNED ROCKET LAUNCH: Then and NowHardbound$26.95 $34.95
HALF AMERICAN: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and AbroadHardbound$11.95 $30.00
PARIS 1944: Occupation, Resistance, LiberationHardbound$26.95 $35.00
THE FIRST LADY OF WORLD WAR II: Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and BackPaperbound$12.95 $17.99
THE BLACK BOOK: The Britons on the Nazi HitlistHardbound$9.95
NIMES AT WAR: Religion, Politics, and Public Opinion in the Gard, 1938-1944Paperbound$4.95 $13.94
THE TRAITOR'S DAUGHTERHardbound$19.95 $26.00
THE STALIN AFFAIR: The Impossible Alliance That Won the WarHardbound$21.95 $29.99
ROYAL NAVY HOME FLEET 1939-41: Fleet 5PaperboundPrice cut to $14.95 $23.00
TONY ROBINSON'S VE DAY: Minute by MinuteDVD$7.95 $14.95
AWAKENING THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA: FDR's War of Words with Charles Lindbergh--and the Battle to Save DemocracyHardbound$21.95 $29.95
THE LIBERATION LINE: The Untold Story of How American Engineering and Ingenuity Won World War IIHardbound$24.95 $34.00
NAZIS AT THE WATERCOOLER: War Criminals in Postwar German Government AgenciesHardbound$29.95
CHURCHILL'S D-DAY: The British Bulldog's Fateful Hours During the Normandy InvasionHardbound$21.95 $29.99
HERMANN AND ALBERT GOERING: The Nazi and the RenegadePaperbound$18.95 $22.95
THE DEVILS WILL GET NO REST: FDR, Churchill, and the Plan That Won the WarHardboundPrice cut to $11.95 $34.00